Meditation Tips For Beginners

Meditation Tips For Beginners

There is so much going on in the world today! People are stressed, depressed, anxious, and hopeless more than ever. Meditation has become more popular than ever to help people of all ages, all over the world. It is a practice that helps promote happiness, decrease stress, improve your mood, create calmness, alleviate anxiety, improve your sleep patterns and improve your overall emotional/mental health. read more

Does Meditation and Yoga Go Together?

meditation and yoga

You may have noticed, but yoga and meditation have boomed in popularity in recent years. That’s because both yoga and meditation have proven health benefits that can help boost both your physical and mental wellbeing. But is it possible to combine the two? In today’s article, we will go over whether or not it’s possible to practice meditation and yoga together and the health benefits of doing so.  read more

What Does Meditation Do For You?

What Does Meditation Do For You

When you hear the word meditate or meditation, what do you think of it? A religious practice, something hippies do, or just saying “oommmm” over and over? It is not hard to know that meditating has its own stereotypes, but the truth is anyone can do it. Meditation can benefit you in many ways you may not even realize, and the popularity is growing as more and more people discover these benefits. read more

How Do You Get Started With Meditation?

Meditation For Beginners

Meditation has a long history of helping people increase their calmness and physical relaxation. It can improve psychological balance, help cope with illness and stress, enhance your overall health and well-being. There are many types of meditation, but all include the same four basic elements, a quiet location, a specific and comfortable position, a focus of attention, and an open attitude. So how can you get started on medication, and how can it affect you? read more

Practical Tips For Meditation For Beginners

Basic meditation is a great way to create a sense of peace and calm in your everyday life. This practice yields many mental and physical health benefits. If you’re thinking about forming meditation habits in your daily life, here are some practical tips to get you started.

Start Your Day In Quiet

The morning time is the best time to meditate. It sets the tone for the rest of your day. Begin your day with a period of quiet time and reflection. This makes it easier to form the habit if you do it at the same time each day.

Start Out Slow

If you’re new to the meditation practice, it’s best to start out with just a few minutes of stillness. Begin with 2 minutes and increase the number as you get more comfortable. While sitting still for 2 minutes sounds simple, you want to make those minutes focused and purposeful. If you feel like you can sit longer, go ahead and try it out.

Concentrate On Your Breath

Our lives are so busy, we don’t often pay attention to our breathing. Focused breathing allows you to slow down. It calms the mind and the body at once. Basic meditation techniques focus on breathing deep and slow.

Focus Your Attention

Your mind will likely drift off during this new habit you’re forming. Your mind will probably think about things such as your daily tasks, friends and family, what you’ll cook for dinner, and other things. Work on focusing on your attention to your practice. This is where your breathing will help you with that.

Don’t Overthink

It’s easy to think you’re doing something wrong when you begin a new habit or practice. In this case, don’t think about the things you’re doing wrong. There isn’t a wrong way to practice meditation. This is an individual journey.

Be Committed To Change

Just like any new habit, it takes time to notice a change. Before you begin each day, commit to staying open to the change as it takes place. You may find yourself wanting to give up at some point in your practice. Make a decision to stick with meditation for a certain time. Devote a few minutes to your practice for at least a few weeks.

Find Friends To Join you

Some habits are best formed when you have a community of friends to support you on your journey. A community is a few friends or an online group of supporters. The goal is for you to walk the journey together. Plan to touch base with your community on a daily or weekly basis.

Benefits of Meditation read more